its meh! im glad to tell you that me and alex-the-cow (my co-animator and writer) are actually getting into a 70% chance that we will finish our madness day tribute by sep22 but that might not be enough.
again, as you know i quit madness. but its a fucking holiday :3 why shouldent i participate! madness asperity was abandoned a long long time ago :3 but we might jsut call this madness day submission madness asperity OR we were going to call it daft madness but maby we will think of something even more stupid for the name :P
right now the protagonist is a secret >:3 im going to let you guys die over suspence over who it is
b)Christian bale
e)none of the above
b, b, b and b. I pick B!
farfenwaffle (Updated )
interesting :3 just wait and see if your right :D