note: 45 seconds seems really short, but anything longer would take so long to make that i would never get around to making musicvideos for everyone
REMEMBER!: you NEED to send me an email. or else it makes my life miserable
I'm going to make you a music video!!!!
hey! I have been getting into the habbit of making little -simple- music videos and i decided i can turn this habit into a way of helping YOU. I like to search the audio portal for things that fall off the radar! but its getting harder to find you, now that you have found ME I'm going to help you:
-I will make you a music video for a song of yours if it fits these requirements.
1. the song must be under 45 seconds (thats 900 frames commited to YOU)
2. you need to email me at: with the subject "music video"
3. your song has to be good, I can't make a music video of something that sound horrible can I?
4. (optional) you should have some kind of instant messaging program. I have a list of programs i use on the contacts section of here:
every month I will finish a music video.
here is a list of authors that i am intending on making a music video with:
1.trey gamer333
That sounds like an awesome idea but the under 45 seconds thing really sucks.
yeah, the thing is... if it is over 30 seconds it would take so long to make i couldent make music videos for everyone